Our Mission
Epic Hire was born when a few dudes who had worked together in the recruiting industry for 10 years had a simple realization…recruiting was pretty lame. Sourcing through profiles was boring. Conversations were insincere. Real, interesting people were overlooked in favor of paper resumes. Recruiting was outdated, emotionless, and robotic.
We realized the people likely hurting the most from these issues were college students. When so many people have the same degree as you, went to the same school, and don’t have years of work experience, how do you set yourself apart? We wanted to fix that.
Sometimes when the whole world zigs, you need to zag, and that’s exactly what Epic Hire is working on. We believe it is time to retire the old ways, let’s replace black and white resumes with digital profiles that show off the student behind the resume. Why hide your personality? Why should someone be terrified to have an employer see their social presence? Instead, we want to encourage students to show off their personality, passions, and accomplishments.
With this mission in mind, Epic Hire has since taken inspiration from social media, dating apps, and professional networks to create an engaging experience for both the student and the employer. By allowing a younger generation that instinctively knows how to build a personal brand to do the same in their professional lives, employers can much more efficiently arrive at the answer to the question “Is this someone we’d like to spend 40 hours a week with?”
Looking for a job after college should be exhilarating, not a total drag. Likewise, offering a student or graduate their first taste of the professional world should feel like an enjoyable privilege, not a box to be checked. So sign up for Epic Hire, post those pictures, tell your story, and let the world get to know you.
We’re putting the human back in hiring.
Our Epic Team
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Our Epic Interns
Meet Our Intern Team

Past Epic Interns
Former Interns, Where Are They Now?